Casement Or Sliding Replacement Windows?

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Casement Or Sliding Replacement Windows?

Vinyl replacement windows in Irvine, CA can improve the look of your home and they can also take you to a new height in energy efficiency. However, just because you know you want vinyl for your replacements doesn’t mean you’ve thought very closely about style. There are a number of options as to how the window opens and closes and those differences can make a big impact on many details in your home. Let’s examine casement and sliding replacement windows to see what might be a good option for you.

Physical Differences In Casement And Sliding Windows

The dimensions you have to offer to new windows can help you influence which window style is best for you. Sliding windows often use openings that are wider than they are tall while casement windows go in places that are taller than they are wide. Sliding windows slide open sideways with one pane sliding over the other. Casement windows crank open fully from top to bottom and open out.

Read also: Casement Window Replacement Configurations

Ventilation Options

Air flows differently through the openings in casement and sliding windows. Casement windows, on one hand, open fully from top to bottom so air can come through that entire opening. Sliding windows remain half closed on one side so one pane can open over the other. That provides less ventilation, but works well in certain areas.

Energy Efficient Differences

Both of these window styles are energy efficient, but there is still a difference. Since sliding windows slide and overlap, they have a seal that is somewhat flexible. Casement windows have a seal that is inflexible. While both are efficient, casement windows are often more energy efficient since they are not flexible as part of their design and because when they are closed, they can tighten against the home as the wind blows.

Quality Counts In Both Styles

No matter what style you choose, you’ll want to ensure its quality before you have it installed. Quality counts in every style and you can judge that based on the ratings on the window’s labels. Get to know terms like U-factor, Solar Heat Gain Coefficient and more to be able to judge the quality of any window you consider. There is a variety on the quality spectrum in both casement and sliding window styles.

If you think you might need window replacement Orange County CA, casement and sliding windows are great style options. You can get all of one or the other or you can mix the two based on the various needs within your home. Either way, call California Window & Solar at (949) 284-7483 fir a free consultation. We’re here to help you with the process from beginning to end. We can show you both styles in our showroom at 2915 Red Hill Ave Ste B104 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 so you understand how they operate and function differently. We’re happy to engage in conversation over the differences so you can figure out what works best for your home’s needs and your overall style goals.

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