What Changes Can You Make Around Picture Replacement Windows?

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What Changes Can You Make Around Picture Replacement Windows?

The Possible Upgrades In Replacement Windows

Picture windows are a nice addition to most homes. They bring in lots of natural light and they allow you to see a good deal of the view you have outside. They are also the most energy efficient window on the market since they don’t open and close or having any moving parts. When you are getting replacement windows in Costa Mesa, CA, you can make any changes you want to your home. Consider some adjustments around the picture windows in your house. Here are a few optional ideas:

Add Windows Above Or Below

Picture windows give a great view, but they lack in the ventilation department. If you don’t have other windows in the room, or if you only have windows on one side of the room, you might want some cross ventilation and more options for fresh air. Place some windows below the picture window or perhaps above, or both, depending on its size. You can get awning windows below so that even if it’s raining, you can have them open and not welcome in the water.

Place Narrow Windows Beside It

Instead of going above or below the picture window, you could go beside it. Depending on your level of space, you might not have a lot of extra wall. But even placing a window as tall as the picture window and very narrow in size can give your room extra light, ventilation, and a unique look that will stand out in the house and among other houses.

Consider Decorative Windows

There are plenty of window options today, some of which are mainly for show. You could get a unique shape beside, above, or below the picture window to frame it in as something special. You could put an etched or block glass window on either side to bring in more light, but showcase the picture window for the view. The options are endless as to what you could do.

IF you are considering making changes around your picture windows within your home, expert advice is always welcome. Have professionals take a look at your window and give you advice as to what will fit and what might work best to serve your purposes and goals.

As you walk forward in the process of replacement window in Costa Mesa, CA, consult with the professionals at replacement windows in Costa Mesa, CA. We’re here to help in any way we can. Call us at (949) 284-7483 and we can offer you some advice on where to start over the phone. We can also tell you about ratings labels and get you set up with a free consultation. You can tour our showroom at 2915 Red Hill Ave Ste B104 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 any time you are free. We’d also love to come to your home to see your picture window and the other current windows in your house so we can give you recommendations based on your preferences for the future of the project.

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